Transparency in Healthcare

Average of payments received from all payer sources Medicare and Secondary Insurance for service bundles, including and estimated payment range for such bundles.
This is a sampling of 3 Procedural Bundles. This is a non-personalized estimate that may be incurred by the patient and actual costs will be based on services actually provided.

Allowable for Cryosurgery for Prostate Cancer CPT 55783 $5,570.19
Bladder Irrigation / Lavage CPT 51700 $23.53

2. Medicare:
Allowable for Cystourethroscopy / Biopsy CPT 52224 $710.11
Cystourethroscopy with Catheterization CPT 52005 $355.06
Urography, Retrograde CPT 74420 $173.50

3. Medicare:
Allowable for Cystourethroscopy / Biopsy CPT 52224 $1,238.17
Cystourethroscopy with Catheterization CPT 52005 $355.06
Mitomycin CPT J9280 $457.68
Urography, Retrograde CPT 74420 $173.50
Bladder Instillation anticarcinogenic CPT 51720 $23.04

The information on average payments and payment ranges is an estimate of costs for the services. You, as a patient, may request a personalized estimate of charges by asking our Billing Department. You can also get an estimate for the other costs by contacting the doctors listed on the Physicians page of this website.
